
Blazor is a firey creature who is a member of the Brawl League.


It's very unclear what Blazor is supposed to be. He's wearing a sweater and ragged jeans, and has a snake tongue and sharp teeth. His sweater has a fire pattern on it. His shoulders have thermal heaters on them. He has a big hat with a thermometer inside it. It is unknown what his body looks like. He also has many fire powers. He wears socks, but no shoes.


Not much is known about Blazor. But he was adopted by an elderly vermic. The vermic taught him firey arts. But being the biggest kid in school made him too confident. But he still is really helpful at a campsite. In 7th grade, he went to a camp with the rest of the grade. His dad had made him a sweater to keep him warm. And it worked. The rest of the grade was freezing every day, but Blazor was just fine. Blazor kept that sweater and it's been in his closet since. He's grown out of it though, so he buys identical ones to wear. But he still has the original.


  • Blazor doesn't believe in Tinks that much because he is small. The same applies for Cuddles and Gliby and Globby .
  • He wears socks but no shoes, because he thinks shoes are "unneeded," and "uncomftorble."
  • Blazor's original design had him being a glowing character with a heater on his head instead of his shoulders.